The 19th China International Cartoon and Animation Festival (CICAF) began on Tuesday in Hangzhou, a bustling animation hub in east China"s Zhejiang Province.
An installation of the 19th China International Cartoon & Animation Festival is seen in Hangzhou, capital of east China"s Zhejiang Province, June 20, 2023. The festival will last from June 20 to 24. (Photo: Xinhua)
The five-day event includes a variety of activities, including an international animation game business conference, a Cosplay event and a voice actor contest. The Golden Monkey King Award, the highest honor for Chinese animation, will also be unveiled at this year"s CICAF.
Organized by the National Radio and Television Administration, China Media Group and Zhejiang provincial government, the event has attracted 459 enterprises and institutions from 59 countries and regions, as well as thousands of exhibitors and merchants.
Inaugurated in 2005, the festival has been held in Hangzhou annually.
Source: Xinhua News
Editor: Lai Yingying
Senoir Editor: Min Jie